My ideal job has been always to take care of wildlife animals… I love that part of being a vet, so I could protect the animals that humans don’t respect, so I would take a good care of them.

I would love to work in a rescue and rehabilitation center like the one in “Peñaflor” where they save and protect all the damage monkeys that don’t have a home and that irresponsible humans mistreat or make them work into circus so they have this animals in precarious conditions.

This type of job is not very common in our country like clinic or the vet that work with horses but I hope I can find a good place to give my help. Since I was a little girl always fascinated this kind of area so I always enjoy watching all the program in the tv that show amazing travel around the world where the vet help wild animals just for love ;D I really hope someday I would work in a place with that kind of vision =D

Kisses… bye!

I found this page through google when I started to like the Korean music, I like it because it have the most recent news about my favourite artists from korea and I can download files liker music, interviews or stuff like that and also I can watch the links of YouTube with the newest performances and preview of my favourite songs. It is a really amazing page when I can find everything I like...

Before I start to go to the university and I have all the time of the world to do nothing =9 I visited this page every day =O … because every single day this page update all the news from the asian artist but now because I have less time to visit pages like this I only can look it when I really don’t have anything so important to do in the university because it have so many news that I can spend a lot of time seeing all the comments and news XD

Here is the link:

Watch it if you are an asian addict just like me ;D

Kisses!... Bye

This picture is very special to me ;D It was taken two years ago… the day me and my others classmate had to dance to say goodbye to our school, it was a fantastic performance XD in my opinion we was the best course… because we did it with all our energy, really for me was a memorable day although it was a very sad moment because we have to left behind a precious period of our lives… all the nice friends and teacher and take a new way … so it really was a moment full of emotions.

In this pic I`m with my best friend “Cony” who is the one that take the photography =D… she is a very important person to me, actually she is like a sister to me . . because actually I don`t have any brother or sister so she have been with me in all the important moments… in the good or bad ones!! And she likes the same things too, like music and japanese´s series... we have so much fun together!!!

I really miss those times =O

Well… see you! Kisses… bye!

In this days.. we have incorporate the technology so deep in our life that we don`t realize when we used, we have the phone,mp4,computer,portable games... but definitely My Favourite object is the Notebook!! I used every day no matter what happend the best invention ever =9

It is very special because my parents give it to me when I finish my school so I got it two years ago.. It have all incorporate, I can listen my favourite music and donwload it too... I can`t live without my music I`m addicted to it =D I also can watch my favourite anime and watching the series again wherever I want... this part is the best of have a notebook I can carry through all my house so when I need to do my homeworks I can move it to my dining room where I have more space and light. It is very important to my studies because I can watch the classes in it and search information at the same time ... so definitely I can`t live without it ;D

I hope you really love my computer!! is nice right ??? XD

Kisses... Bye